
’ Yvonne brought her a Mossberg semi-automatic rifle and a full nine shot magazine. Sue immediately recognized it. ‘This is the same as the first rifle I ever used.’ ‘Good, here is the magazine. It has nine hollow point .22 caliber long rifle cartridges in it. Please, do not put the magazine in it unless you need to use it.’ ‘Don’t worry! That is the second rule I was taught. The first rule was never to aim it at any living thing you didn’t plan on killing.’ It was then that I delivered the. Mercer turned and smiled brightly at Lexi “maybe Tommy would listen to you lass” he said, Lexi smiled “I’m sorry Mercer, my rescuing, helping everyone days are over, why don’t you try finding him a virginal maidenly type I do believe that’s what he’s looking for, I’ll see the two of you at dinner” she turned and left the study. Mercer looked at Connor then at the empty doorway then back at Connor “did I miss something?” Connor shook his head with a thoughtful frown “no more then the rest of us,. Magic gifts varied some did the stereotypical fantasy stuff even some things like Comic Book powers other effects of the Advent where the appearance of Demi humans magical creatures and most importantly monsters the reason why monsters are so important it's cuz upon defeating them the stereotypical gold drop and items appeared.It all began on the night of the full moon but not just any full moon it appeared Crimson blood red moon but the strangest thing of all was that it didn't stop that just. "I've been told she's back to stay this time."Angelica frowned. "I haven't heard anything about that. Who told you?" Aunt Ronnie herself. She called around thanksgiving and said she was back in the country, but she asked me no to tell anyone unless there was good reason because she wanted to remodel her house first." The one she inherited?" Bryan asked.Iris nodded.Angelica's eyes lit up and she shot her little sister a grateful look before turning back to Dave. "You should call Aunt Veronica.".
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